Custom Post Type slug and WPML gets 404 error
i do have a curious problem on a new wordpress developpement.
i have many CPT and WPML working on the site (default language is "french").
example, i have a custom post type who is : "marche" ( for Market in french ).
i add a market in default language (french) inside of it (named "Gordes") i fill it with infos.
Market is correct, and accessible here :
url is ok, slug is ok, everything is ok. (default language).
then i activate translation string in WPML settings, and defined the EN NL string for "marche".
then i translate the market in NL ( dutch ) with copying french content, and there is where the problem starts :
- on back office, the generated URL is the same as in default language (slug in FR in place of NL and /nl/ don't show).
- on front office, same problem, but this time url comes with /nl/ but go on 404, because slug is wrong...
ex :
that has to be
- (here is no 404, page is ok).
even if i search for "gordes" in search box, the url are the same (in french) and goes to 404 instead of NL version.
And final bug, in my langage selector, on those CPT, the link under the active language (NL) is same, showing French slug. And when i look at FR link, it still have /nl/ in place of /fr/
i have reads hundreds of posts on WPML forum, and google, but i still can not go rid of this bugs. ( i have the same bug on all my custom posts ).
If needed, here is the code of my CPT.
function marches_CPT() {
// Post Type
$labels = array(
'name' = 'Marcheacute;s',
'all_items' = 'Tous les marcheacute;s',
'singular_name' = 'Marcheacute;',
'add_new_item' = 'Ajouter un camping',
'edit_item' = "Modifier le marcheacute;",
'menu_name' = 'Be | Marcheacute;s'
$args = array(
'labels' = $labels,
'public' = true,
'has_archive' = true,
'capability_type' = 'page',
//added rewrite for test purpose, with it or without, same problem
'rewrite' = array('slug' = 'marche'),
'supports' = array('title', 'editor','thumbnail','custom-fields'),
'menu_position' = 12,
'menu_icon' = 'dashicons-cart',
add_action('init', 'marches_CPT', '0');
Thanks in advance for your precious help.
Topic plugin-wpml 404-error custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web