Custom wp_query inside a conditional stament inside a template part doesn't work: why?
this is a bit messy and I cannot understand why my approach isn't working or what my error is.
I'm using a template part to include a custom wp_query into my theme. I'd like to have two different behaviours throughout the theme, so I'm using a conditional statement inside the template part to output two different loops.
In my front-page.php I call the template part with get_template_part() using the $args option:
?php get_template_part('template-parts/modules/moduli-offerta/offerta-figli','lista', array('tipologia' = 'lista') ); ?
In my template part I have this code:
?php if ( $args['tipologia'] == 'lista' ) : ?
?php elseif ( $args['tipologia'] == 'descrizione' ) : ?
?php else : ?
?php endif; ?
This code works: if I put any text or HTML5 inside the conditional statement, it shows the output correctly depending on what tipologia I choose to adopt.
But if I put a custom loop (via wp_query) inside the if statement, the output is blank.
It's like the if statement of wp_query inside the initial if statement break something.
Can you help me understand? Hint: the custom loop works if I DON'T put it inside a conditional statement.
Here is the full code:
?php if ( $args['tipologia'] == 'lista' ) : ?
!-- First Loop Option --
?php $cm_offerta_post_figli = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' = 'cm_offerta',
'post_parent' = get_the_ID(),
'order' = 'ASC',
); ?
?php if ( $cm_offerta_post_figli-have_posts() ) : ?
ul class=list-group list-group-flush ms-0
?php while ( $cm_offerta_post_figli-have_posts() ) : ?
?php $cm_offerta_post_figli-the_post(); ?
li class=list-group-item?php the_title(); ?/li
?php endwhile; ?
?php endif; ?
!-- END of First Loop Option --
?php elseif ( $args['tipologia'] == 'descrizione' ) : ?
!-- Second Loop Option --
?php if ( $cm_offerta_post_figli-have_posts() ) : ?
div class=bg-light row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 mb-5 p-5
?php while ( $cm_offerta_post_figli-have_posts() ) : ?
?php $cm_offerta_post_figli-the_post(); ?
div class=col
div class=card bg-transparent border-0
div class=card-body
h3 class=card-title?php the_title(); ?/h3
?php the_content(); ?
?php endwhile; ?
?php endif; ?
!-- END of Second Loop Option --
?php else : ?
?php endif; ?
?php wp_reset_query(); ?
Topic get-template-part loop wp-query conditional-content Wordpress
Category Web