Deployment in AzureML for NLP with fastText
I am new to Azure ML. I am working on sentimental analysis on a small tweet dataset with the help of fastText embedding (fastText file 'wiki-news-300d-1M.vec' is around 2.3 GB which I downloaded in my folder). When I run the program in the Jupyter notebook everything runs well. But when I try to deploy the model in Azure ML, while I attempt to run the experiment:
run = exp.start_logging()
run.log(Experiment start time, str(
I am getting the error message:
While attempting to take snapshot of .
Your total snapshot size exceeds the limit of 300.0 MB.
The folder where my Jupyter files are there is close to 2.5GB. Is there any way to get over this problem or is it possible to write the NLP program without downloading the fastText embedding? Any suggestions?
Category Data Science