Display All Courses in Course Archive Page

I am Developing Course Management Website.

I have main post type Course, under Course I have different taxonomies like Institution, Location, Course Type and etc..

The problem is, if one Course selected to particular Institution that post displaying, but I need to display that particular Course again with different Institution, if I select different Institution.

How would I do that? This is my Course archive page code,

div class=container
div class=row
$argsCourse = array(
'posts_per_page' = '-1',
'post_type' = 'course', 
'orderby'= 'menu_order', 
$mycourse_query = null;
$mycourse_query = new WP_Query($argsCourse);            
if( $mycourse_query-have_posts() ) {
while ($mycourse_query-have_posts()) : $mycourse_query-the_post();
$Maincoursetypes = get_the_terms( $post-ID, 'course-type' );
$Maincourselocations = get_the_terms( $post-ID, 'location' );
$Maincourseinstitutions = get_the_terms( $post-ID, 'institution' );
div class=col-md-4
div class=fv-locataion-type
div class=fv-locataion-item-img
a href=?php the_permalink(); ? aria-label=Blog Image
?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
} else { ?
img src=?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?/assets/images/blog-placeholder.jpg
alt=?php the_title(); ? /
?php } ?
?php if('yes' == get_field(featured)) :?
div class=fv-locataion-tag
?php echo POPULAR COURSE; ?
?php endif;?
div class=fv-ltag?php the_title(); ?/div
p class=sub-courseFashion Design amp; Technology/p

div class=fv-filter-icon-wrap
 ?php if($Maincourseinstitutions){?  
     ?php foreach ( $Maincourseinstitutions as $Maincourseinstitution)
 $image = get_field('institution_logo', $Maincourseinstitution);
img src=?php echo $image? alt=
?php }
echo img src='https://develop.stanventures.com/fv/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ina.png' height='100%' width='110' /;}?
p?php echo $Maincourseinstitution- name;?/p
ul class=c-list
lii class=uil uil-check-square/i Collaboration: ?php the_field(collaboration);?/li
lii class=uil uil-clock/i Duration: ?php the_field(course_duration);?/li

?php if($Maincourselocations){?
 ?php foreach($Maincourselocations as $Maincourselocation) {?  
lii class=uil uil-map-marker/i ?php echo $Maincourselocation-name;?/li
?php } }
else{echopLocation not Specified/p;}
div class=fv-link-wrap
a href=?php the_permalink(); ? class=btn btn-primary fv-btn
spanView Courses/span/a
?php  endwhile;
}wp_reset_query();  // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().

Topic custom-post-type-archives php custom-post-types Wordpress

Category Web


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