Does mash thickness make a difference in any calculations?
I am looking to do my first partial mash and I have been seeing instructions for using a mash thickness anywhere from 1 to 1.5 quarts of water per pound (per 450g). What does the thickness of a mash change? Are there any calcuations that need to be adjusted based on this thickness?
Also, does changing the ratio of the sparge water to pounds of grain change anything?
I typically do a 5 gallon (19 litre) batch and a 3 gallon (11 litre) boil (do not have the equipment for a full boil yet). What is a typical ratio. I have read that a thicker mash will provide a fuller body and sweeter taste. However the tradeoff I've seen is that the sugars may not ferment fully, is that accurate?
What is recommended for a beginner partial masher?
Thanks, ~ Tom
Topic mash-thickness partial-mash mash homebrew
Category Mac