Dynamic content based on a URL parameter
So, I'm doing some wordpress development studies and classes, and now I got an project to work on, and need to get the following task done: I'm doing a telecom website. The site has a page called "Buy" with its custom template. The ideia is that all other pages of services are linking to this page. I want this page to handle all service "order" requests from users.
So it would look like this: www.example.com/buy/
And let's say, the user choose the 50MB Fiber internet plan: www.example.com/buy/?product=fiber50
Conclusion, if "Buy" page comes with "product" URL parameter, the content of the page should change too, because the prices, description and other details are different from each internet plan or other kind of service.
I'm struggling to find a solution for that, but i've researched a lot the past few days and didn't find any solution.
Think would be something like that: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15099821/wordpress-accept-incoming-url-with-variable-parameters
Thank you by any help!