Effects of slipperiness in OpenAI FrozenLake Environment
I am trying to wrap my head around the effects of is_slippery
in the open.ai FrozenLake-v0 environment.
From my results when is_slippery=True
which is the default value it is much more difficult to solve the environment compared to when is_slippery=False
. It takes roughly 10K iterations to solve when is_slippery=True
compared to roughly 150 iterations when is_slippery=False
I used the same cross-entropy method for both of them.
Now my issue is trying to understand the implementation from the repository and how they were able to model steps in the environment in such a way to mimic slipperiness.
This is the implementation from the repository with the different ways steps are taken based on is_slippery
for row in range(nrow):
for col in range(ncol):
s = to_s(row, col)
for a in range(4):
li = P[s][a]
letter = desc[row, col]
if letter in b'GH':
li.append((1.0, s, 0, True))
if is_slippery:
for b in [(a - 1) % 4, a, (a + 1) % 4]:
1. / 3.,
*update_probability_matrix(row, col, b)
1., *update_probability_matrix(row, col, a)
Topic openai-gym reinforcement-learning
Category Data Science