Elementor\Scheme_Typography' not found

I just update my elementor plugin and suddenly my site goes down its display this error.

code line error shows: 224.

                'name' = 'eael_tooltip_section_typography',
                'selector' = '.tippy-popper[data-tippy-popper-id={{ID}}] .tippy-tooltip',
                 'scheme' = Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_3,
                'separator' = 'after',
                'condition' = [
                    'eael_tooltip_section_enable!' = '',

Topic fatal-error updates plugins Wordpress

Category Web

Scheme_Typography is deprecated. Use \Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography instead https://forum.elementor.com/development-24/deprecated-elementor-scheme-typography-solved-sure-9919


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