Epoch greedy algorithm for contextual bandits
I'm reading the following paper on the epoch greedy algorithm for the contextual bandits problem. I have two questions
I'm unsure how they've used the Bernstein inequality on page 6 to conclude $\mu_{n}(\mathcal{H},1) \leq c^{-1} \sqrt{k \mathrm{ln}(m)/n}$. Could someone please elaborate on this as it seems Bernsteins inequality seems to measure whp the deviation of a sum of random variables from it's mean. Where as the regret bound $\mu_{n}(\mathcal{H},1)$ is defined as the expected regret from the empirically best policy from the absolute best policy. Could someone fill in the detail?
Can we get any reasonable estimate for the constant $c$ if i was to try and implement this in practice?
I'd really appreciate any help, Thanks.