Evaluate the result of a Zero-sum game
I'm currently working on an AI playing Mandarin using Minimax. I can extract this dictionary from a game where 2 AI with different depth plays with each other:
game_result = {
winner: winner, # 1, 2 for player 1 and 2 respectively
time: time, # time[1] for player 1's total time consumed, same with time[2]
score: score, # same as time
total_turn: total_turn # same as time
I'll run about 100 games. Can anyone help me with how I can analyze this data? I'm thinking of the win rate of each depth (like bot1: depth=1, bot2: depth 2, and bot2 win 70% of 100 games), but I want to also make use of the time, score, and turn.
I'm new to this field, therefore anything will help.
Topic game visualization
Category Data Science