Exclude URL's from sanitize_html_classes
I've searched through the similar questions but found nothing.
I've coded a meta box for adding custom URL's which get added to buttons on single posts but when the URL is added to the meta box field on the Edit Post screen and saved, it strips the URL from this :
To this :
I assume because of the sanitize_html_classes function which is used with the save_post function like this :
add_action( 'save_post', 'projecturl_save', 1, 2 );
function projecturl_save( $post_id, $post ) {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['projecturl'] ) ) {
$data = wp_parse_args(
'_custom_projecturl' = '',
$data = array_map( 'custom_sanitize_html_classes', $data );
save_custom_fields( $data, 'projecturl_save', 'projecturl_nonce', $post );
I'm using a custom function save_sanitize_html_classes function but there's nothing in there that strips out anything so it must have something to do with the sanitize_html_classes function.
function custom_sanitize_html_classes( $classes, $return_format = 'input' ) {
if ( 'input' === $return_format ) {
$return_format = is_array( $classes ) ? 'array' : 'string';
$classes = is_array( $classes ) ? $classes : explode( ' ', $classes );
$sanitized_classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes );
if ( 'array' === $return_format ) {
return $sanitized_classes;
return implode( ' ', $sanitized_classes );
I can remove sanitization ( and when i do it works ) but i prefer to filter it to exclude characters in URL's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Topic autosave save-post custom-field Wordpress
Category Web