Facebook embeds fixing with functions.php
I use this code to solve the new Instagram embeds problem on my old Wordpress site:
add_filter('oembed_providers', 'fr_replace_deprecated_instagram_api', 10, 1);
function fr_replace_deprecated_instagram_api($providers) {
$providers['#https?://(www\.)?instagr(\.am|am\.com)/(p|tv)/.*#i'] = array('https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/instagram_oembed', true);
return $providers;
// You need to create a developer account for Facebook's API and grant permission for the OEmbed App.
define('FR_FACEBOOK_TOKEN_URI', 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=' . FR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID . 'client_secret=' . FR_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET . 'grant_type=client_credentials');
add_filter('oembed_fetch_url', 'fr_add_facebook_access_token', 10, 3);
function fr_add_facebook_access_token($provider, $url, $args) {
if (strpos($provider, 'instagram_oembed') !== -1) {
$response = @file_get_contents(FR_FACEBOOK_TOKEN_URI);
if (!$response) {
trigger_error(Couldn't retrieve an access token for Instagram OEmbed API by Facebook. Check your App ID, Client Secret the permissions in the Facebook Developer Dashboard., E_USER_WARNING);
return $provider;
$response = json_decode($response);
$access_token = $response-access_token;
$provider .= 'access_token=' . $access_token;
return $provider;
Anybody know something similar code to solve the Facebook embeds problem?