FastText Model Explained
I was reading the FastText paper and I have a few questions about the model used for classification. Since I am not from NLP background, some I am unfamiliar with the jargon.
In the figure, what exactly is are the $x_i$? I am not sure what $N$ ngram features mean. If my document has total $L$ words, then how can I represent the entire document using $N$ variables ($x_1$,..,$x_n$)? What exactly is $N$?
$$-\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^Ny_n\log(f(BAx_n)) $$ If $y_n$ is the label, then what sense does it make to multiply it with the output vector after softmax (lables would be like 0,1,2,3,.. )? Does the author mean we take the $y_n$-th component of the output vector in loss calculation?
Category Data Science