Feature creation ideas for propensity models?
I'm working on a propensity model, predicting whether customers would buy or not. While doing exploratory data analysis, I found that customers have a buying pattern. Most customers repeat the purchase in a specified time interval. For example, some customers repeat purchases every four quarters, some every 8,12 etc. I have the purchase date for these customers. What is the most useful feature I can create to capture this pattern in the data?. I'm predicting whether in the next quarter a particular customer would buy or not?. I haven't decided on the model yet. Should I create features based on the model I select, or will a particular feature work across all the models? I appreciate any help you can provide.
Additional Info: A customer repeat purchases every four quarters, and the last purchase was made three quarters before. I'm confident that this quarter, the customer will repeat the purchase. I want the model to capture this pattern. What feature or combination of features can capture this pattern?