Featured image not showing on facebook share
I Guys! I´ve spent the whole morning after this...
Some post images are not showing up on facebook if I try to share. But some are.
If I go to facebook and try to share: http://www.taiff.com.br/taiffmag/2018/11/22/ariane-ianicelli-a-beauty-artist-que-vai-te-inspirar/
Everything works fine.
BUT, if I try to share this other post: http://www.taiff.com.br/taiffmag/2018/11/08/4-penteados-taiff-curves/
The featured image doesnt shows up.
All og: tags are the same on both pages.
If I go to Facebook debugger, they identify both images.
I´ve searched SO and Google, but all answers are pointing to invalidate facebook cache (already did it). But that doesnt solved my problem.
Any other sugestion?
Thx a lot!
Topic social-sharing sharing facebook Wordpress
Category Web