Fermentation still stuck after adding nutrients?
I'm brewing an imperial wit beer and it seems i have a problem with my wort beeing stuck in fermentation at 1.040.
My wort is wheat extract 3.4kg and 1kg candi sugar, steeped with some oat flakes, mesured OG is 1.074. My yeast is belgian wit II (WLP410). I've made a 1.5L starter, my pitch rate is supposed to be around 0.90, my fermentation temp is 20.5°C
I'm using a Tilt hydrometer to real time check my gravity, i noticed it was stuck after 2 days, (begin of fermentation was very quick and efficient).
I took immediate action by stiring my wort and adding some boiled dead bakers yeast (as nutrient) but today is seems fermentation is not really restarting ? (see graph)
What should be my next action ? Make a new starter of WLP410 and repitch ? wait ?
Thanks :)
Topic wheat-beer high-gravity stuck-fermentation fermentation homebrew
Category Mac