Find changes in variables into two states
I have a dataframe like this:
dframe - structure(list(c(60, 91, 377, 419, 893, 905), c(-0.6647, -0.0275000000000001,
-0.6311, 0.1328, -0.4559, -1.0208), c(-1.6964, -1.3851, -1.1428,
-1.4191, -1.2979, -1.441), c(4.1104, 2.998, 3.4623, 1.9545, 3.5166,
3.9912), c(-1.6663, -1.0789, -1.6608, -1.0137, -1.4022, -1.6189
), c(0.902, 0.5417, 0.2651, -0.4998, 0.72, 1.0902), c(0.061,
-0.1321, -0.6613, -0.9655, -0.3879, -0.3222), c(0.6573, -1.8156,
-1.1072, -1.6147, -1.7412, -0.8048), c(-1.6561, 3.3495, 3.1694,
4.7327, 3.7275, 3.0135), c(0.2499, -1.5437, -1.3843, -1.8279,
-1.487, -1.133), c(1.1265, 0.2224, 0.5074, 0.9983, 0.4906, 0.3672
), structure(c(3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3), label = "TwoStep Cluster Number", labels = c(`Outlier Cluster` = -1), class = "haven_labelled"),
structure(c(2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1), label = "TwoStep Cluster Number", labels = c(`Outlier Cluster` = -1), class = "haven_labelled")), .Names = c("id",
"colA", "colB", "colC", "colD", "colE", "colA_new", "colB_new",
"colC_new", "colD_new", "colE_new", NA, NA), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
id colA colB colC colD colE colA_new colB_new colC_new colD_new colE_new NA NA
1 60 -0.6647 -1.6964 4.1104 -1.6663 0.9020 0.0610 0.6573 -1.6561 0.2499 1.1265 3 2
2 91 -0.0275 -1.3851 2.9980 -1.0789 0.5417 -0.1321 -1.8156 3.3495 -1.5437 0.2224 1 3
3 377 -0.6311 -1.1428 3.4623 -1.6608 0.2651 -0.6613 -1.1072 3.1694 -1.3843 0.5074 3 1
4 419 0.1328 -1.4191 1.9545 -1.0137 -0.4998 -0.9655 -1.6147 4.7327 -1.8279 0.9983 1 3
5 893 -0.4559 -1.2979 3.5166 -1.4022 0.7200 -0.3879 -1.7412 3.7275 -1.4870 0.4906 1 3
6 905 -1.0208 -1.4410 3.9912 -1.6189 1.0902 -0.3222 -0.8048 3.0135 -1.1330 0.3672 3 1
id is unique. I want to find for every pair of variables such as colA-colA_new, colB-colB_new etc. how the changes in scores change in the first and new column.
How can I model it?
Topic market-basket-analysis markov-process statistics
Category Data Science