First all-grain batch, probably a disaster.
I've been brewing with extract for 1 year with good results so I decided to move to all-grain brewing, with a Grainfather. Last Sunday I brewed my first beer, an APA from an AG kit, but I made two mistakes when using my new toy:
1 - I accidentally removed the filter so my wort went in the fermenter with all its trub
2 - I failed while using my counterflow chiller and wort entered the fermenter at 40-45°C (105-115 Fahrenheit). Since I don't have a fridge, it took a lot of time to cool down to proper pitching temperature, around 12 hours.
Now the beer has been fermenting for 2-3 days at the right temperature with Mangrove Jack's M44 but it is producing a weird and quite disgusting olive/vegetable smell (maybe DMS?).
I tasted it and obviously that smell/flavor is there.
What do you think? Is it too early to say anything? Can it be DMS?
Should I throw out everything if it still tastes like this when primary is finished?