Flaked Maize Mini/Partial Mash
Still back on extract brews due to time/equipment constraints, but I am making a cream ale this week. Have one lb of flaked maize for a 5 gallon batch (along with 6 lbs of DME), and I understand that maize doesn't contain the enzymes to convert starches in mashing. I picked up 2lbs of crushed 6-row to do a mini-mash with my flaked maize. Most 'speciality grain steeping' procedures call for a half hour steep/mini mash @ 150-160. Given the fact that I have maize in the mash, should I do a full hour steep?
I was also planning on adding the 6 lbs of extract with about 10 minutes left in the boil as well to try to come somewhere close to an appropriate SRM/color.
Topic extract-brewing partial-mash extract-plus-grains extract homebrew
Category Mac