Fully endogenous models for predicting multivariate time series
I have a formal social science background but I am new to data science. My interest is in building predictive models for applications in the social sciences, mostly (but not only) in economics.
I am interested in the following kind of setups:
- I have data that describe the evolution of a number of variables $j \in J$ for a number of "individuals" $i\in N$ across time periods $t \in \{1\dots, T\}$.
- For example, "individuals" $i\in N$ could be countries, with $j=1$ being GDP, $j=2$ inflation, $j=3$ interest rate, $j=4$ unemployment rate, etc, although in practice I would look at situations where $\#N 195$ (maybe $i\in N$ would be regions, or counties, rather than countries).
- As the above example suggests, I am interested in situations where all my variables of interest are likely to be related to one another.
- I am looking for models that, based on data for $t\in \{1,\dots, T\}$ can forecast the co-movement of all my variables of interest for $t T$ (at least a couple of periods ahead). In particular, I don't want to have to assume some particular future scenario for all but one variable in order to get a prediction about the last one.
- I am interested in prediction only, not in satistically interpreting my model.
Being trained as an economist, I know that Vector Autoregression (VAR) is one option for such "fully endogeneous" models. I have tried to learn a little more about forecasting and time-series (e.g., read through https://otexts.org/fpp2) but found little alternatives to VAR so far. Now, VAR might be fine and it might be the only option out there. But I would like to know if there are alternatives modeling techniques one may want to consider for these kinds of problems.
My questions:
- What would be some alternative to VAR be to tackle these kinds of endogenous prediction problems (if any)?
- Are there any resources where the application of these alternative techniques would be discussed specifically in this context?
Topic forecast time-series predictive-modeling
Category Data Science