In the UK and US there is a wide range of options available to you depending on your budget. (I know you are in the US midwest, but I will try keep this as widely relevant as I can).
As previously mentioned, UC Davis has an excellent degree program and has a huge number of resources online; also the Siebel Institute in Chicago, IL is highly respected.
In the US there is the Brewers Association:, the industry updates section has a huge wealth of resources on Best Practice, Engineering, Quality etc... and the schools section has a lot of the other organisations I have mentioned in this answer:
The American Brewers Guild: has a range of courses.
Worldwide you could apply to join the IBD:
It has branches worldwide. You would start off with their GCB, then migrate onto the Diploma then the Master Brewer, these are generally taken alongside work place experience.
University of Nottingham and Heriott-Watt Edinburgh here in the UK have distance learning programs for brewing and distilling.
And, regardless of where you live in the world, I highly recommend getting and reading a copy of this book:
The Kindle version is £30/$40 but I would recommend the full £120/$180 hardback if you are serious about it, the diagrams and photography are not as good or just absent in the Kindle version.
If you are looking for something to benefit a future career, my first bit of advice would be to send your CV and cover letter to every brewery you could possibly commute to and ask them for a job. There is no substitute in this industry for practical hands-on experience.
Many small breweries would love to employ a hard working passionate individual regardless of diploma or certificates.
Just found this article, it has a few schools in Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois that you may wish to take a look at.