Get category slug and display it on a query_post
I just read "How to create option page for wordpress theme" in - I have a problem with getting categories .
there is two parts to my question
- Part A - Get category slug and display it
In this tutorial there is a select option as follow :
$options[] = array(
"section" = "select_section",
"id" = WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_select_input",
"title" = __( 'Select (type one)', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
"desc" = __( 'A regular select form field', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
"type" = "select",
"std" = "3",
"choices" = array( "1", "2", "3")
Now, instead of the 1-2-3 choices , I want to return category slugs to display it to user - can someone please modify this code so it return the slugs for categories created on the site?
- Part B - Display category slug in query_posts format
The typical returning value for above code is this :
?php echo $wptuts_option['wptuts_select_input']; ?
I use this code for my query post :
?php query_posts('showposts=1category_name=news'); ?
where the "news" is the category "slug" - not name of the category now , can someone please modify the code so it gets the category slug based on the option chose in the theme option page ?
I am stuck in fixing this problem and I looked every where, but cant find a solution thanks
Topic options theme-development query Wordpress
Category Web