Get posts with multiple meta values

I have a ACF select field which takes multiple value. Now I want to use get_posts() to get those custom posts. My arguments look like this:

$party = 'test1';
$function = 'test1, test2';
$args = array(
    'numberposts'   = -1,
    'post_type'     = 'event',
    'meta_query'    = array(
        'relation'      = 'AND',
            'key'       = 'party',
            'compare'   = '=',
            'value'     = $party,
            'key'       = 'function',
            'compare'   = 'IN',
            'value'     = array($function),
$items = get_posts($args);

But this does not work! Don't know what is wrong here!

Topic advanced-custom-fields meta-query get-posts Wordpress

Category Web

This is not the way which you have clled for ACF.


<?php $field = get_field($field_name, $post_id, $format_value); ?>
  • $field_name: the name of the field to be retrieved. eg “page_content” (required)
  • $post_id: Specific post ID where your value was entered. Defaults to current post ID (not required). This can also be options / taxonomies / users / etc
  • $format_value: whether or not to format the value loaded from the db. Defaults to true (not required).


Get a value from the current post

$value = get_field( "text_field" );

Get a value from a specific post

$value = get_field( "text_field", 123 );

Check if value exists

$value = get_field( "text_field" );

if( $value ) {

    echo $value;

} else {

    echo 'empty';


Get a value from other places

$post_id = null; // current post
$post_id = 1;
$post_id = "option";
$post_id = "options"; // same as above
$post_id = "category_2"; // target a specific category
$post_id = "event_3"; // target a specific taxonomy (this tax is called "event")
$post_id = "user_1"; // target a specific user (user id = 1)

$value = get_field( "text_field", $post_id );

Get a value without formatting

In this example, the field image is an image field which would normally return an Image object. However, by passing false as a 3rd parameter to the get_field function, the value is never formatted and returned as is from the Database.

Please note the second parameter is set to false to target the current post

$image = get_field('image', false, false);


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