Get the tax term in which is a post via wp_query
I'll rewrite my original question because I feel like I can't be understood :
I made a template page on which I have different WP_Query
I have a category taxonomy (countries). This template page matches with one of this tax's terms.
For example, the page France
matches with the category tax term
The administrator have the ability, if he wants, to create a translation which will be seen on the same page template.
Those translated posts will be categorized with the same cat tag $countries-france
, but with also another one (for e.g.):
What I'd like to do now is to check if there is a matching post with both france
and english
cat terms, and if yes, return the language term (english
) or any other one if it does exist.
For example, I have this query:
// Get the language cat term ID
$parent_id = get_cat_ID( 'languages' );
// Get the child terms of language
$languages = get_term_children( $parent_id, 'category' );
// Put them in an array for the query
$langs = array();
foreach ( $languages as $key = $value ) {
$cat = get_category( $value, ARRAY_A );
$langs[] = $cat['slug'];
// The Query
$langQuery = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' = 'post',
'tax_query' = array(
'relation' = 'AND',
'taxonomy' = 'category',
'category__in' = array( 'countries' ),
'parent' = '1',
'field' = 'slug',
'terms' = array( $cat[0] ) // The page's slug
'taxonomy' = 'category',
'category__in' = array( 'languages' ),
'parent' = '1',
'field' = 'slug',
'terms' = $langs
) );
Thanks for helping