get_post_fields as an excerpt
I have a strange question, I have built my site and my loop etc. But on my sidebar I want to add a sort of random post display, but I don't want the entire post to display, I've had some difficulties achieving this so if you have any alternative methods you wish to share, please let me know :)
What I want to achieve at the moment is shorten the content shown, I know you can do this with excerpt()
but if you take a look at the method I had to do, you'll see what I mean as I had problems doing it the typical way.
my index:
wp_reset_postdata();//not sure if this is actually reseting my postdata?
$random=get_posts(array('number posts'=1,'orderby'='rand','category'='objects','post-type'/*stops pages being included?*/='post','post_status'='publish'));
?h2a href="?echo$random[0]-guid;?"Do you want a ?echo get_the_title($random[0]-ID);??/a/h2
p?echo preg_replace("/img[^]+\/i","",get_post_field('post_content',$random[0]-ID));/*custom_excerpt($random[0]-ID);*/?/h2
I've given it a go in custom_exert but it failed to get the correct post id for some reason? Not surfier I've chosen the correct method for what I want to do. Any suggestions?
Topic wp-reset-postdata the-content Wordpress
Category Web