Getting stock data in a discipline manner from Yahoo finance

I used the below code for downloading stock data from yahoo finance:-

import yfinance as yf
import datetime

    start = datetime.datetime(2018,1,1)
    end = datetime.datetime(2019,7,17)
    data =, start=start, end=end)

I get the data in a below manner:-

I saved the data using panda:-

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data) 

# saving the dataframe 
df.to_csv('BANKING STOCK.csv')

I got the data in this format:-

But I ant my data in this format:-

Because this format is more convenient for analyzing data through SQL. How can I change the format of the data?

Topic csv data-formats pandas python

Category Data Science


data.stack().reset_index().rename(index=str, columns={"level_1": "Symbol"}).sort_values(['Symbol','Date'])


           Date       Symbol  Adj Close  ...     Low    Open     Volume
0    2018-01-01  AXISBANK.NS     564.80  ...  560.50  563.80    6943234
7    2018-01-02  AXISBANK.NS     558.81  ...  556.35  567.00    6292268
14   2018-01-03  AXISBANK.NS     559.75  ...  555.75  561.30    3990149
21   2018-01-04  AXISBANK.NS     559.21  ...  558.00  564.85    2766664
28   2018-01-05  AXISBANK.NS     562.55  ...  556.70  561.05    3249056
35   2018-01-08  AXISBANK.NS     564.75  ...  562.45  565.80    3770339
42   2018-01-09  AXISBANK.NS     564.60  ...  563.00  564.00    4607504
49   2018-01-10  AXISBANK.NS     562.10  ...  560.45  566.15    2411625

The basic operation is stack that stacks the column headers into a multiindex. This multiindex is then converted to columns (reset_index()) which then get proper names. Finally the data are sorted by Symbol and Date as required.

Remark: You don't need df = pd.DataFrame(data), already returns a DataFrame.


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