Ginger Beer - How long can it be stored, can it be frozen and what do you do with the yeast?
I have made my 3rd, 4th and 5th Ginger Beer brews today! The first one was a success, the second one I ruined it (used honey for fermenting and sweetening but didn't think it out properly) but now I have made a 3rd, 4th and 5th brew!
The problem is, I have made about 2.8 liters twice and one brew with 25 liters!
As you can see, that's about 31 Liters of ginger beer. I have heard they can stay in the fridge for 3-4 weeks if bottled correctly. Is there any way to extend that duration? Can it be frozen? And for the final question, can I remove the yeast in some way, before or after bottling?
To summarize:
- How long is the duration that I can store it, without it going bad?
- Can it be extended? Eventually by freezing?
- How do you deal with the yeast? Do you let it be in the bottle? Shake before drinking?
Topic ginger-beer storage homebrew
Category Mac