Gravity goals for mead in primary?
I'm brewing mead for the first time, having successfully brewed beer a number of times.
Right out the gate I had trouble with a strong unpleasant odor. Frantic research suggested that the yeast was stressed, so I agitated it and lowered the temperature from ambient (~75℉) to between 60℉ and 65℉. This cut down on the smell but also slowed fermentation. At one week in, the gravity dropped from 26.4 %Brix to 22.4. At two weeks I am at 20.4. So I've gone from roughly ~1.11 to ~1.06 gravity. The final goal is between 1.005 and 1.020.
So, I'm two weeks in, interested in moving to secondary, and still quite a ways from my target gravity. Is this expected? Will the mead continue fermenting a significant amount in secondary or should I keep it in primary longer and do something to reinvigorate fermentation?
Topic primary-fermentation mead homebrew
Category Mac