grid search - optimal weighting of classifiers

I am using three different of the shelf classifiers. It's a three class classification task. I want to calculate the optimal weights (c1weight, c2weight, c3weight) for each classifier (real task more classifiers and also weights for each class).

Maybe simple grid search approach or sklearn ensemble classifier could do that.

vc = VotingClassifier(estimators=[('gbc',GradientBoostingClassifier()),

params = {'weights':[[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[3,2,1]]}
grid_Search = GridSearchCV(param_grid = params, estimator=vc),y)

I don't understand how to implement this for the following code.

def get_classification(text, c1weight, c2weight, c3weight):

  prediction1 = classifier1.predict(text)
  if prediction1 = 1:
    class1 =+ 1 * c1weight
  elif prediction1 = 2:
    class2 =+ 1  * c1weight
    class3 =+ 1  * c1weight

  prediction2 = classifier2.predict(text)
  if prediction2 = 1:
    class1 =+ 1 * c2weight
  elif prediction2 = 2:
    class2 =+ 1  * c2weight
    class3 =+ 1  * c2weight

  prediction3 = classifier3.predict(text)
  if prediction3 = 1:
    class1 =+ 1 * c3weight
  elif prediction3 = 2:
    class2 =+ 1  * c3weight
    class3 =+ 1  * c3weight

  if class1  class2 and class1  class3:
    return (class1,class1)
  elif class2  class1 and class2  class3:
    return (class2,class2)

c1weight = 0.5
c2weight = 0.7
c3weight = 0.4

for i, row in df_raw.iterrows():
    classification = get_classification([i, 'text'],c1weight, c2weight, c3weight)
    df_raw[i,'classification'] = classification 
score = get_accuracy(df_raw['classification'],df_raw['label'])

SOLVED: This sample code helped me to understand it

def your_function(number):

from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
param_grid = {'param1': [1, 2, 3]}

grid = ParameterGrid(param_grid)

for params in grid:

Topic grid-search ensemble

Category Data Science

GridSearch finds those optimals weights for you.

You can access these weights through the attribute best_params_ of the GridSearch object, which will return all the optimal parameters (including the weights):

optimal_weights = grid_Search.best_params_


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