Group related items by their description and tag each group. [Pen, Eraser] : Stationary
So have a list of data similar to the table below. It will be captured by a chatbot so I expect natural language but in the form of a structured command: Add {Qty} {item description} to {location}
ID | Owner | Item Description | Location | Qty | Image |
1 | Somenick | Green apple | fridge | 1 | 1.jpg |
2 | Somenick | Jewelry toy box | bedroom | 2 | 2.jpg |
3 | Somenick | 12kg rubber quoted grey kettlebell | bedroom | 1 | 3.jpg |
4 | Astrod | 60cm never used helmet | closet | 1 | 4.jpg |
5 | Atrod | 3-season sleeping bag | camping gear closet | 5 | 5.jpg |
6 | Atrod | red plum | car | 7 | 6.jpg |
How can I group items by description? So it should somehow Group Red apples green plums, create a category called fruit and add the 2 IDs {1, 6} to it.
edit: I should clarify, this is not image recognition. I mean, sometimes there's no image. I tried searching for something like this, I'm getting overwhelmed with unrelated topics on Python's data types and list manipulation. I'm sure there are established libraries out there that do this, I'm just not having luck finding them.
Topic beginner nlp python categorical-data
Category Data Science