Gutenberg editor get post featured image by id
How can I show a post featured image by post id in gutenberg editor? I have a slider with latest posts and when I iterate through over posts I would like to show the post featured image as well. Here is my example snippet
const cards = ( post, i ) = {
return(div className="card" key={i}
div className="card-image"
div className="image is-4by3"
currentPostId = {}
featuredImageId = {post.featured_media}
div className="news__post-title"
div className="title is-5"
a href={ } target="_blank"{ decodeEntities( post.title.rendered.trim() ) || __( '(Untitled)' ) }/a
{ displayPostDate post.date_gmt
time dateTime={ format( 'c', post.date_gmt ) } className="wp-block-latest-posts__post-date"
{ dateI18n( dateFormat, post.date_gmt ) }
div className="card-content"
div className="content"
p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: post.excerpt.rendered } }/p
Topic block-editor featured-post images Wordpress
Category Web