Header Image instead of dynamic text
i'd like to change the dynamic text in the header that makes the title of the site with a logo i've designed.
how do i edit this code to achieve this?
div id="logo"
$logo = $options['logo'];
$retina_logo = $options['retina_logo'];
$has_retina_logo = $retina_logo ? 'has-retina-logo' : '';
if ($logo != '') { ?
a href="?php echo home_url(); ?"
img class="?php echo $has_retina_logo; ?" src="?php echo $logo; ?" alt="logo"/
?php if($retina_logo) { ?
img id="retina-logo" src="?php echo $retina_logo; ?" alt="logo"/
?php } ?
?php } else { ?
h4 class="logo"a href="?php echo home_url(); ?"?php bloginfo('name');?/a/h4
?php } ?