Heatmap of large 2D array using datashader and plotly
I’m trying to show a heatmap of a large 2D array (160x250000 entries). This should go into a dash app so I'm using plotly to deal with graphics and my idea was to use datashader for performance but I’m having troubles getting it right. However, independently of dash I’m already having problem with plotly + datashader (see code below). There is probably something very basic I’m not understanding in this process. It would be great if someone could tell me what I’m doing wrong.
Below you can find a minimal example to reproduce the issue (using offline.plot since I’m using spyder to run it).
If I’m not wrong, the code is defining a grid of 900x300 and the value represented in each element of the grid is the mean of the original 2D array entries falling in that grid element. Now, I’m expecting the figure to keep the resolution fixed as I zoom in and to show more fine-grained details - at some point, if I zoom in enough, in each grid element there should be just one entry of the original 2D array.
However when I zoom in in the produced figure the aggregation does not change.
I'm using plotly 4.12.0 and datashader 0.11.1. Please let me know if further information is needed. Any help understanding this would be much appreciated.
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.offline import plot
import numpy as np
import datashader as ds
from datashader import reductions as rd
import xarray as xr
pw_s = np.random.randn(150, 25000)
pw_s[:, 10000:] += 3
pw_s = xr.DataArray(pw_s, coords=[('y', np.arange(150)),
('time', np.arange(25000)/2000)])
cvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=900, plot_height=300,
x_range=(0, 25000/2000),
y_range=(0, 150))
agg = cvs.raster(pw_s, agg=rd.mean())
fig = px.imshow(agg)
Topic plotly heatmap aggregation python
Category Data Science