Histogram with financial (decimal) amounts vs. normal numeric
Take the following historgram data:
This is an item of "bin size" 1 from 0 onwards. However, I do not think this looks appropriate, as every time I have seen a histogram (or someone has requested it), it has unambiguous values, such as:
$ 0.00 - $0.99
$ 1.00 - $1.99
However, not even Excel does this correctly, so I was wondering if there was something like a suggested "significant figures" to apply to a histogram so that:
(1) It looks human, common-sensical, and proper; and (2) There are not overlapping intervals [0, 1), [1, 2), etc.
Perhaps this is correct in a mathematical sense, but I'm looking for a more non-analytical intuitive representation of the pricing data. What is the suggested practice here?
P.S. Is this the correct site for this question? Or should it be on Cross Validated or StackOverflow?
Topic historgram graphs visualization
Category Data Science