How Add Code in Page Index Custom Template?
I want to display a code in a Custom Page (Index-sitemap) created in the theme folder.
But when I use the following code it just shows up on the Homepage.
if(is_home() ! is_front_page()) { echo 'code'; }
Show in Home and also in index-sitemap
if(! is_home() ! is_front_page()) { echo 'code'; }
Not Showing in Home but also not showing in index-sitemap
if(is_page(index-sitemap) ! is_front_page()) { echo 'code'; }
not Showing too.
if(is_page(index-sitemap) is_front_page()) { echo 'code'; }
Showing in home and page Sitemap-Index. I want it to appear only in the sitemap-index not on the homepage how do I do that.
Cause I've used only is_page(slug) or is_page(id) too but it shows up on homepage too.
Here is my Website,
Please help.