How can I change the prev / next buttons text to Dutch?
If you look to this page everything is alright except the previous and next buttons text are in English. Does anyone know how I can make them display in Dutch? I already tried to change them but no luck.
NB: I'm using Contango theme.
The function looks like this :
/** Contango Link Pages */
function contango_link_pages() {
$contango_options = contango_get_settings();
if( $contango_options['contango_post_style'] != 'excerpt' ) {
return wp_link_pages( array(
'before' = 'div class="page-link"span class="assistive-text"'. __( 'Pages:', 'contango' ) .'/span',
'after' = '/div',
'link_before' = 'span',
'link_after' = '/span',
'echo' = 0