How can I detect anomalies/outliers in my online streaming data on a real-time basis?
Say, I've a huge set of data(infinite in size) consisting of alternating sine wave and step pulses one after the other. What I want from my model is to parse the data sequence wise or point wise and the first time it parses a sine wave and starts facing the step pulses raise an alert as an outlier but as it goes on parsing the data it must recognise the alternating sine and step pulses and treat them as normal pattern. But then if it faces something out of this trend it must treat them as outlier, however if that new pattern repeats constantly it must treat them as normal again. In other words, my model must "remember" what it saw in the past to some extent to predict what is "normal" in the near future and on the basis of that detect anomalies in my constantly streaming data.
I've tried implementing the conventional stateless LSTM to achieve my requirements but LSTM being a supervised learning process needs an initial training and always predicts based on that initially given data. So what happens is if the pattern it recognised while training initially deviates in the test phase it always treats the pattern in the test phase to be an outlier irrespective of how many times it is repeating. Simply put, it fails to update itself with time.
I've gone through relevant papers on 'Anomaly Detection of online streaming data' and found HTM implemented by Numenta and tested on NAB benchmark is the best solution in this respect but I am looking for something open source and absolutely free to use.
Being a newbie in this field, any existing open source implementation will be highly appreciated as writing something from scratch is not preferred but if required that'll be my last option.