How Can I Implement MOEA/D Algorithm in Java From Pseudocode?
I want to implement MOEA/D algorithm for a spesific population but I could not figure out how to write the java code from the pseudocode.
My population size is 50 and the chromosomes shape is like this: [1,0,0,1,0,0,], so the people are made of binary genes. Is there any simple implementation of that algorithm without using any framework? The steps are not clear for me. I have also tried to convert an matlab code but did not work. Where can I find an basic implementation of that algorithm?
My Problem:
Pop[i] = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,.....,1,0]
ObjectiveFunction1(Pop[i]): return count of 1 // the aim is to minimize
ObjectiveFunction2(Pop[i]): return x // x is the result of some calculations with using 1s, the aim is to maximize
Topic metaheuristics java optimization
Category Data Science