How can I integrate sms api in Contact7 form in wordpress
I have taken SMS service from I want to integrate SMS in my WordPress website as a confirmation form submission. I have got from the service provider below but how can I integrate please guide.
Bulk SMS India Developers API
HTTP API Details
Send SMS(Comma Seperated):,9999999990,9999999991msgtext=Hello
Code Sample:(Send SMS)
''''write code for loop while (you can open record set here)
sResponse = ""
sResponse = SMSSend(pno, message )
If right(sResponse,15) = "Send Successful" Then
'write your code here
End If
'''End Wend
Function SMSSend (strPh,strMsg)
Dim msgResponse
Dim strRequest
Dim strUrl
msgResponse = ""
If not IsNumeric(strPh) Or len(strPh) 10 Then
msgResponse = "Enter valid Mobile Number."
End If
If strMsg = "" Then
msgResponse = "Enter text message."
End If
strUrl = ""
strRequest = strRequest+"user=profileid"
strRequest = strRequest+"pwd=pass"
strRequest = strRequest+"senderid=senderid"
strRequest = strRequest+"mobileno="+strPh
strRequest = strRequest+"msgtext="+Server.URLEncode(strMsg)
strUrl = strUrl+strRequest
If msgResponse = "" Then
Dim oXML
Dim sPage
On Error Resume Next
Set oXML = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
oXML.Open "get", strUrl , false
msgResponse = oXML.ResponseText
Set oXML = Nothing
End If
SMSSend = msgResponse
If Err.Number 0 Then
SMSSend = "Problem on sending sms : " Err.Description
End If
End Function