how can i plot a stacked bar chart by year with two values(columns)?
not sure if this is correct medium, but i am having trouble plotting this simple data:
how do i get the graph below - aplogies for this poor picture.
basically i want it stacked with the risk label being the legend, but the predicted and actual side by side for each year.. how can i achieve this in pandas? btw this is a pandas dataframe
df_partial = df[['year','risk','predicted','actual']]
grouped = df_partial.groupby(['year','risk']).sum()[['predicted','actual']]
it does not give me what i would like to see
import plotly.graph_objs as go
df = df.melt(id_vars=[year, risk], value_vars=[predicted, actual])
fig = go.Figure()
for risk in [low, medium, high]:
tmp_df = df.query(frisk == '{risk}')
x=[tmp_df[year], tmp_df[variable]], y=tmp_df[value], name=risk,
fig.update_layout(barmode=stack, height=400, width=800, margin=dict(b=60, t=20, l=20, r=20))
however i get :
how do i remove these faint lines? i've tried opacity does now work
Topic plotly plotting pandas python
Category Data Science