How can I view my readme.txt file to include inline images, videos...prior to submitting a New Plugin for review by
I am a newbie and am likely asking for too much but here it is, I have written my first plugin and created a readme.txt file and tested it with the validator and it passes with flying colors.
I have read the posted question Adding Image in readme.txt file of wordpress plugin and it does not show the markdown syntax.
I feel a little uneasy about submitting the plugin to because I'm confused about referencing inline images and videos within the markdown syntax. The documentation does not specify if the images are located within the repository at a relative path or are they assumed to be in the assets directory (no path needed just the filename) or if you can indicate a url to a different server where the image can reside.
Example taken from markdown syntax:
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
If I specified the following in my readme.txt
![Alt text]( "My title")
the validator at does not show any indication that an image is referenced and displays no error.
Alternatly if the image being referenced is in the assets folder of my plugin how do I reference it?
![Alt text](/assets/img.jpg "My title")
I read that markdown also supports inline videos is this true? If so what is the syntax?
Finally it would be cool if there was a way to view the readme.txt file exactly how it would appear in the repository before submitting it. Is this possible?