How do I combine predictions from classifiers for two different problem?
I am working on a classification problem for predicting whether the shipment is going to be late or not.
I would say the classifier is mediocre at predicting the positive class at the moment. But the ambition is to improve it.
However, after doing some analysis, I have found out that there is an important component (Customs) that has appeared as the cause of shipment delay in majority of FN.
Currently, I don't have a feature that would directly be associated to customs and be used in the model. Moreover, I think because of the product we are shipping, custom process may vary.
My original problem was at a shipment level, because of which I had to exclude the products in the shipment. But, now I want to include the products. It is a many to many relation - Shipment can have multiple products and Vice a versa.
Following is my thought:
To have a separate predictor in addition to the original one that would predict if the product in the shipment is going to be late/not based on planned days for customs.
This is where I am struggling, if this is a right approach how do I consolidate the predictions for both the models to come up with a single prediction as Late or No Late?
In addition to this I need to understand if there is another way to tackle this?