How do I correct acidity/tartness in a fermented beer?
I just moved to a new state, and brewed a dark beer recipe that I'm fond of-- a weizenbock.
However, I believe my water chemistry may have been different enough from my previous location to have dropped the mash pH too low, because my fermented beer is a bit tart.
For the time being, I'd like to troubleshoot this problem assuming it's not infected.
Today I am going to the homebrew store to get pH strips. How can I correct perceived acidity / tartness in a finished beer?
OG: 1.068, FG: 1.010, ABV: 7.6-7.9%
Single Infusion, 148°F (64.5°C), 90 min.
60 min boil, Magnum bittering only, WLP300 Hefeweizen Ale Yeast, 72°F (22°C) primary
Grain bill:
- Canada Malting Superior Pilsen
- Best Red Wheat
- Best Light Munich
- Briess Dark Munich
- Briess C40
- Castle Special B
- Thomas Fawcett Sons Pale Chocolate