For a plugin I'm currently working on, I wanted to grant/restrict access to the plugin settings (i.e., the according admin menu pages) on a per role base.
Therefore, I had to add a new plugin-specific capability
to the user roles
Unfortunately, kaiser's answer seems to be not working anymore, so I spent some time trying to figure out how to allow for the above mentioned functionality.
The Schedule
Before I share my code with you, here is what it's all about, in plain text:
- On plugin activation, add the new capability
to roles having a certain built-in capability BUILT_IN_CAP
(in my case: edit_pages
- On each page load, do 1. (i.e., add the capability, again). This is only necessary if you want to account for possible new roles that have been created after the activation of the plugin. Hence, these new roles don't have the plugin-specific capability, even if they have the required built-in capability.
- Use the new capability for whatever you want. As explained before, I use it for granting/restricting access to the plugin's admin menu pages, so that is how it is done in the following code example.
- On plugin deactivation, remove the capability. Of course, you could also do this when the plugin is being uninstalled. Either way, do it eventually.
The Code
And here is the above list converted into code:
» Setting It Up
class WPSE35165Plugin {
public function __construct() {
// Register hooks
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'activation'));
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'deactivation'));
// Add actions
add_action('admin_menu', array(__CLASS__, 'admin_menu'));
public function activation() {
// Add the new capability to all roles having a certain built-in capability
private static function add_cap() {
$roles = get_editable_roles();
foreach ($GLOBALS['wp_roles']->role_objects as $key => $role) {
if (isset($roles[$key]) && $role->has_cap('BUILT_IN_CAP')) {
» Using It
// Add plugin menu pages to admin menu
public function admin_menu() {
// Remove the following line if you don't care about new roles
// that have been created after plugin activation
// Set up the plugin admin menu
add_menu_page('Menu', 'Menu', 'THE_NEW_CAP', …);
add_submenu_page('wpse35165', 'Submenu', 'Submenu', 'THE_NEW_CAP', ...);
» Cleaning It Up
public function deactivation() {
// Remove the plugin-specific custom capability
private static function remove_cap() {
$roles = get_editable_roles();
foreach ($GLOBALS['wp_roles']->role_objects as $key => $role) {
if (isset($roles[$key]) && $role->has_cap('THE_NEW_CAP')) {
Note: Please do not use upper case capabilities. This is just for readability.