How do I go about looping through a advanced custom field on a particular page inside of another page
I have one page lets call it page-home.php
and I also have a page called page-custom-field.php
I want to have a section of the first page where it loops through page-custom-field.php
page and display it on itself. Here is my code attempting that so far. I am using advanced custom fields on the second page.
My If statements
$args = array(
'post_type' = array(
'posts_per_page' = 1,
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
div id="homeSpecials" class="section__content small-12 small-centered medium-10 columns"
?php if($query - have_posts()) : while( $query-have_posts() ) : $query-the_post(); ?
?php include 'page-custom-field.php' ?
?php endwhile; endif;//ends'menu_flexible'?
?php if( have_rows('menu_item') ): ?
?php while( have_rows('menu_item') ): the_row(); ?
!-- loop through the rows of data || DONT CLOSE THE LOOP IN AN 'IF' STATEMENT --
?php if( get_row_layout() == 'simple_menu_item' ): ?
article class="menu-item small-12 medium-6 columns"
h3?php the_sub_field('item_name') ?span class="menu-item__price"?php the_sub_field('item_price') ?/span/h3
?php the_sub_field('item_description') ?
!-- elseif is the last loop --
?php elseif( get_row_layout() == 'line_item_with_modifiers' ): ?
article class="menu-item small-12 columns"
h3?php the_sub_field('item_name') ?span class="menu-item__price"?php the_sub_field('item_price') ?/span/h3
?php the_sub_field('item_description') ?
?php if( have_rows('item_modifiers') ): ?
?php while( have_rows('item_modifiers') ): the_row(); ?
div class="small-12 medium-3 columns"
h4?php the_sub_field('modifier_title') ?/h4
?php if( have_rows('modifier_column') ): ?
?php while( have_rows('modifier_column') ): the_row(); ?
li?php the_sub_field('modifier_name') ?/li
?php endwhile;?
?php endif;?
?php endwhile;?
?php endif;?
!-- final 'endif' closes the flexible content loop --
?php endif; ?
?php endwhile; endif;//ends'menu_flexible'?
Topic advanced-custom-fields template-include loop Wordpress
Category Web