How do test if a post is a custom post type?

I am looking for a way to test if a post is a custom post type. For example, in, say, the sidebar I can put in code like this:

 if ( is_single() ) {
     // Code here

I want code testing for only a custom post type.

Topic conditional-tags conditional-content custom-post-types Wordpress

Category Web

I have been reading all the answers, they are usable, but the most simple that you can use to check if the post is standard or custom, you can just go with:

is_singular('post') or !is_singular('post') 

The first expression is for standard post, and the second one is for any custom post.

I hope it can help someone.

To determine the $post_type easily inside a function, you need to call the global post var first, here is an example:

function the_views() {
global $post;

if ($post->post_type == "game") {
   $span = '<span class="fa-gamepad">';
  } else { // Regular post
    $span = '<span class="fa-eye">';

Add this to your functions.php, and you can have the functionality, inside or outside of the loop:

function is_post_type($type){
    global $wp_query;
    if($type == get_post_type($wp_query->post->ID)) 
        return true;
    return false;

So you can now use the following:

if (is_single() && is_post_type('post_type')){
    // Work magic

if ( is_singular( 'book' ) ) {
    // conditional content/code

The above is true when viewing a post of the custom post type: book.

if ( is_singular( array( 'newspaper', 'book' ) ) ) {
    //  conditional content/code

The above is true when viewing a post of the custom post types: newspaper or book.

These and more conditional tags can be viewed here.

If you want a wild card check for all your custom post types:

if( ! is_singular( array('page', 'attachment', 'post') ) ){
    // echo 'Imma custom post type!';

This way you don't need to know the name of your custom post. Also the code still work even if you change the name of your custom post later.

To test if a post is any custom post type, fetch the list of all not built-in post types and test if the post’s type is in that list.

As a function:

 * Check if a post is a custom post type.
 * @param  mixed $post Post object or ID
 * @return boolean
function is_custom_post_type( $post = NULL )
    $all_custom_post_types = get_post_types( array ( '_builtin' => FALSE ) );

    // there are no custom post types
    if ( empty ( $all_custom_post_types ) )
        return FALSE;

    $custom_types      = array_keys( $all_custom_post_types );
    $current_post_type = get_post_type( $post );

    // could not detect current type
    if ( ! $current_post_type )
        return FALSE;

    return in_array( $current_post_type, $custom_types );


if ( is_custom_post_type() )
    print 'This is a custom post type!';

If for any reason you already have access to the global variable $post, you can simply use

if ($post->post_type == "your desired post type") {

Here you are: get_post_type() and then if ( 'book' == get_post_type() ) ... as per Conditional Tags > A Post Type in Codex.


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