How do you choose to display specific posts/pages by parent url
I have adjacent posts set up correctly but it's displaying all of the posts/pages. I need it to show specific ones. The easiest way would be by parent URL if that's possible as I need to do this multiple times. So would be the URL and every page that uses the sydney parent would be displayed and nothing else. It doesn't have to be this way if there is a better/easier way then I am all ears.
* Infinite next and previous post looping in WordPress
// Previous post if present, otherwise the very first post.
$prev_post = get_adjacent_post( false, '', true );
if ( $prev_post ) { // previous post
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $prev_post-ID ) ) {
$prev_post_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( $prev_post-ID ), 'thumbnail' );
} else {
$prev_post_image_url = '';
} ?
a class=prev-post adjacent-post href=?php the_permalink( $prev_post-ID ) ?
img src=?php echo $prev_post_image_url; ? alt=Previous Post /
p class=adjacent-labellarr; Previous Post/p
h4 class=adjacent-title?php echo get_the_title( $prev_post-ID ); ?/h4
?php } else { // first post
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' = 1,
'no_found_rows' = true,
'order' = 'DESC',
$first = new WP_Query( $args );
// first post's image URL
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
$first_post_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'thumbnail' );
} else {
$first_post_image_url = '';
} ?
a class=prev-post adjacent-post href=?php the_permalink() ?
img src=?php echo $first_post_image_url; ? alt=Previous Post /
p class=adjacent-labellarr; Previous Post/p
h4 class=adjacent-title?php echo get_the_title(); ?/h4
?php wp_reset_postdata();
// Next post if present, otherwise the very last post.
$next_post = get_adjacent_post( false, '', false );
if ( $next_post ) { // next post
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $next_post-ID ) ) {
$next_post_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( $next_post-ID ), 'thumbnail' );
} else {
$next_post_image_url = '';
} ?
a class=next-post adjacent-post href=?php the_permalink( $next_post-ID ) ?
img src=?php echo $next_post_image_url; ? alt=Next Post /
p class=adjacent-labelNext Post rarr;/p
h4 class=adjacent-title?php echo get_the_title( $next_post-ID ); ?/h4
?php } else { // last post
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' = 1,
'no_found_rows' = true,
'order' = 'ASC',
$last = new WP_Query( $args );
// last post's image URL
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
$last_post_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'thumbnail' );
} else {
$last_post_image_url = '';
} ?
a class=next-post adjacent-post href=?php the_permalink() ?
img src=?php echo $last_post_image_url; ? alt=Next Post /
p class=adjacent-labelNext Post rarr;/p
h4 class=adjacent-title?php echo get_the_title(); ?/h4
?php wp_reset_postdata();
Topic pagination Wordpress
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