How do you determine if a value is statistically significant?
I have collected some data I need to analyze. The data is the result of a survey in which I asked approx. 180 sellers at a bazaar, how important a certain buyer's characteristic is in relation to their price setting on a scale from '1 = absolutely unimportant' to '10 = extremely important' (for instance, how important is a buyer's nationality in relation to the price a merchant is offering his goods).
I now have analyzed my results and clustered the data, where it was necessary, but I do not know at which point a value gets statistically important.
Should I separate the data into two groups, one for answers below 5 and one for above, or in three groups (1-3,4-7,8-10) and at how many percent is something statistically important? Is one characteristic significant important, if 80% of the answers were 8 and above, is it still if there are just 60% above?
Edit: Ok let me clearify my question: I do not want to compare two chracteristics to each other. I am using R and I created histograms with density lines and also cummulative density lines to present my data. The problem is, that I do not know how I can say wether one particular characteristic is important or not. Do I need to focus on their means? And how does their standard deviation affect the interpretation? I have conducted a survey in one particular bazaar with approx. 3600 merchants, meaning I have the answers of 5% of them.
Topic descriptive-statistics r
Category Data Science