How far to insert stopper in carboy?
For my last 1 gallon batch, I decided to avoid my common problem of overflowing my airlock, by using a proper blow-off. So I bought myself a stopper, hose, and double-sided barb from my LHBS. I gently plugged the carboy, but the stopper started pushing out. So I tried again; same result. So, I pushed it in a little further and harder. Great, it stayed in place! Fast forward 2 days, and super-active fermentation has stopped, so it's time to replace it with a proper 3-piece airlock.
And now I can't get the stopper out. I will figure out how to get it out (while somehow not contaminating my beer, I hope)... but just how far am I supposed to insert a stopper, keeping it airtight and removable?