How is the validation set processed in PyTorch?
Say, one uses the MNIST dataset and splits the provided training data of size 60,000 into a training set (50,000) and a validation set (10,000). The provided test data of size 10,000 is used as the test set. The ML algorithm is a neural network.
The training set is processed (in minibatches) by the code below. First, one sets the gradients to zero. Then, the model makes a prediction, and the loss is calculated. Next, the gradients are computed, and the weights are updated via backpropagation.
def train(data, label):
prediction = model(data)
loss = loss_function(prediction, label)
return loss
As I understand, the validation set is used for hyperparameter tuning, whereas the test set is used for evaluation of the final model (as a reference to compare performance to other models). The accuracy on the test set is measured after freezing the model, like in the code below.
for parameter in model.parameters():
parameter.requires_grad = False
So, my questions are:
When processing the validation set, is it correct to use the code of
or must one omit the backpropagation?If one assumes that a neural network applies dropout, is dropout enabled or disabled while processing the validation set?
Topic pytorch validation dropout neural-network
Category Data Science